I don’t remember in years. I’m fascinated when people have perfect recall for what happened when. Fascinated and horrified, because I figure out when high school started by counting backwards from university, and I get to that via the 2010 soccer World Cup, which happened in South Africa and I was there for it so it’s kind of burned in there. I remember my Mom’s birthday because the day is a doubling of the month and my Dad’s because the next day was September 11.
I don’t remember in years right up to and including this one. I skimmed my catalogue for something I’d recognize and was surprised to see that this side of last year’s New Year’s Eve started with me in South Africa, saying a final goodbye to my family home, continued through America where Kelly and I signed our marriage docs, but only after we found a studio and got price-hiked out of our apartment, which we dealt with after another trip to South Africa to get married in a public way, which is when we came back to Korea and I was asked to follow a singer to Australia where she was playing SXSW.
Here it all is at a glance, which is a lot closer to how I remember things anyway.




This last one is the view from Kel’s desk at the studio. That’s mine on the left. For December we’ve been tucked away in here, working on our various projects and talking about what to focus on in the new year. I’m happy to have found this place to share about it all, and appreciate that you’ve been looking in. I hope we all have an amazing 2024, together.