It’s Thursday night as I’m writing this, at about 23:00. I’m normally in bed by now, my youth having long ago come to terms with my age. But it’ll be a late night - any minute now a friend and customer I did some printing for will be arriving at our little studio to do some DIY framing for his upcoming exhibition. I’d have saved the writing of this for tomorrow but tomorrow I’ll be heading to the coast to sleep in the back of my van for a night or two. The forecast says it’ll be a few ° below 0(C). Everybody needs a night off from a warm bed once in a while. So for this week, I’m simply sharing some recent photographs I’m happy with (though hope to rescan myself soon). These pictures were made with what I wrote here in mind, and I hope they spark some of that for you.
These are rad. The sixth, of the corner of the window—👌