Closing in on month 11 of this year and I’ve just crossed the 300 mark of my daily photo dairy. Here are a few images from the last week (or so) to ring in the round number.
Hello Chris! I love reading your newsletter. I’m specially interested in the photo diary post. How do you start one? Is there a fixed number of images that you need to make every day? I work from home and my average day can be pretty boring if I don’t step out. How many of these images are “created” vs. “documented”? And when I say created, I merely mean are you doing things outside of your regular routine to make more interesting images? Or is the point of the exercise simply to document your daily routine as is? And what tips do you have for someone who would like to start this as a practice?
Hello Chris! I love reading your newsletter. I’m specially interested in the photo diary post. How do you start one? Is there a fixed number of images that you need to make every day? I work from home and my average day can be pretty boring if I don’t step out. How many of these images are “created” vs. “documented”? And when I say created, I merely mean are you doing things outside of your regular routine to make more interesting images? Or is the point of the exercise simply to document your daily routine as is? And what tips do you have for someone who would like to start this as a practice?
Love that first one. I’m a sucker for photos through windshields.